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Shoulder pain

Shoulder pain is the most common physical pain complaint after back and neck complaints. One in five people in the Netherlands is affected by it. The complaints usually last a long time and regularly return. That is why it is important that you receive the right treatment that suits your situation.

You mainly feel the pain around the shoulder and in your upper arm. Raising your arm in particular can be very painful. Sometimes the neck and shoulder blade are also involved. The pain can radiate throughout the arm, and is sometimes accompanied by tingling and/or numbness in the forearm or hand.

What to do for shoulder pain?

Fysiotherapie Amsterdam klachten

What are the causes of shoulder pain?

Shoulder complaints can be caused by an injury or trauma, for example a fall or accident. But the pain can also develop gradually if you sit in the same position a lot, such as behind the desk or in the car. 


The most common causes are:


  • instability of the shoulder

  • overload

  • imbalance of muscles around the shoulder blade

  • entrapment of structures under the shoulder roof

  • frozen shoulder


During the first consultation, your physiotherapist will investigate the origins of your specific complaints. With our holistic approach we look beyond just the pain.

We also take stress management, sleep, relaxation and nutrition into account. These factors can all influence the onset of your complaints and your recovery.

Treatment of shoulder pain

How can the physiotherapist help with shoulder complaints? The first appointment (intake) provides clarity about where your complaints come from. We then draw up a treatment plan, tailor-made for your situation: with the right exercises aimed at stability and strength. Where necessary we also use massage,dry needling andmanual techniques.  

How can the physiotherapist help you with shoulder pain?

Our practice is part of the Shoulder Network Amsterdam. This is a collaboration of physiotherapists, general practitioners and medical specialists in and around Amsterdam. Thanks to our combined forces, we provide optimal treatment of your shoulder complaints, with or without surgery.


You can help with shoulder complaintsDorien Schagen like withArend Edelenbosch for a personal treatment plan. Make todayan appointment.

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